Yes people,
I am having one of 'those' days today.
It started out with the Lotto,
we didn't win, bummer. It was up to $100 million.
A rather poor and forlorn hubby left for work this morning,
no retirement yet.
Next, the pool needed topping up after the winds
we have had for weeks, without any rain to speak of.
I put the hose in the pool, turned around
and the darn thing leapt out of the water,
spun around and soaked me.
I swear I heard it laughing until I hit it with a brick
and held it under the water.
Take that hosepipe!
I went out to give the chickens some food and
they had pooped on my shoes.
I have two pairs (see I'm not silly)
and they had pooped on two of them,
luckily on two different feet, so I still had one pair to wear.
Might leave the pooped on ones and see who puts them on
without looking (he he).
Now onto my art room,
oh yes, that didn't escape my troubled day either.
I tried to add some things to my Etsy shop and it wouldn't work no matter
what I tried. Closed down the machine and rebooted etc,
two hours later I had them in.
Not to be outdone I decided to get a start on this weeks APR,
but when I started painting, it started curling.
I am trying to hold it down and paint at the same time.
Plus, I am doing a doggy painting at the same time,
just waiting to paint the wrong thing on the wrong paper,
the way this day is going.
Gotta laugh haven't you. Hope tomorrow is better.
You can see the curl on the paper in this photo.
It doesn't usually do that, just seem to be the day for it.
The doggy still has a way to go but I am happy
with its progress.
I finished my staircase from last week
and if anyone wants to see it,
the post is here.
Something wonderful did happen this week.
I received this beautiful wall hanging
from Judy at Judy's Fabrications.
It was a prize I won.
Just look at all the detail in that.
Thank you so much Judy, it is so beautiful.
I'm going to be brave and do some more to the curly painting now.
So why don't you have a look at all the other desks
around the world this wednesday
at Julia's Stamping Ground
and keep smiling.

Well, look at it this way, tomorrow will be a better day 'cause you got all the bad stuff out of the way today! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
ReplyDeleteShame about the lotto, join the club mate. Do love your doggy pic, wish I was artistic and when lots of things go wrong sometimes it's best to just pick up a book and read for a bit?
ReplyDeleteCheers from Aussie
Elaine #6
The detail in the doggy is lovely and your prize is beautiful. Have a lovely week plenty more lotto's to try for in the coming months.
ReplyDeleteSandra @10
I don't seem to win our lottery either.... you are having a day!! Hope things get better. Helen 4
ReplyDeleteWell; hope your day improves; some days just seem to be that way for me too. But they pass! Lovely pics on your desk, very inspiring. Congrats on the beautiful prize I am sure you must have been thrilled to receive it!
Oooh keep smiling - I am sure tomorrow will be much better! Sorry you didnt win the lottery and that you have curly paper (happens to us all though doesnt it!), great artwork though. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 54
ReplyDeleteHahaha - Oh dear, I do hope your day got better, but even if not, tomorrow is bound to be an improvement after that little lot ;)
ReplyDeleteSoo glad you didn't put the wrong paint on the wrong picture; my oh my, I think we would have heard you here in Scotland eh.
I've just uploaded my sunset but yours is looking amAzing and the doggy is super cute too. Best wishes for a better WOYWW :0) Mo x
goodness you have been busy sorry you did not win the lotto maybe next week !.the dog is amazing,i cant believe it painted its so realistic, your scenery is lovely the colours you have used are stunning ,you are very talented. have fabulous week x #67.
ReplyDeleteAt least the chickens didn't poop on your work. I had set a piece of card to one side and when I went to use it naughty budgie had pooped on the corner! Grr!
ReplyDeleteWe are still showing off your painting of Daisy Bunny to everyone, thank you so much :)
You certainly seem to have had a week of it! Artwork is looking fabulous and what a gorgeous prize to win.
ReplyDeleteIt never rains but it pours, eh?? I had a whole week like that last week..sigh..ah well, it's been better this week but still busy!
ReplyDeleteThat hanging is gorgeous, thanks for putting that detailed close up for us to see all the intricates work - it's breathtaking!
Hugs, LLJ #58 xx
Fabulous painting as per usual. Hope your bad day turned into a good one in the end. :)
ReplyDeleteThe bears @#80 this week
Ooh, poopy shoes, pity they didn't happen first, the errant hose might have washed them clean again! Beautiful puppy painting, is he a spaniel? He's got spaniel-y ears! Traditional Christmas cake has to mature, helped along by regular weekly feedings of brandy of course! I'll be happy to have something else on my needles soon, need a brighter colour now it's getting darker in the evenings. Hope the rest of your day was without incidence!
Brenda 3
Tomorrow is another day and I'm sure it will be better. Despite the curl I like what is going on in that painting.
ReplyDeleteTricia 124
Oh dear, what a day! I had to laugh at your escapades with the hosepipe, though. These things have a mind of their own! At least where you are, the weather shouldn't be as cold as it is here in the UK, so dowsing yourself with cold water won't have been as bad!
ReplyDeleteHope things are going more smoothly for you now, though, and that you can get all your projects done. Your dog painting is nothing short of amazing - so lifelike! Isn't Judy's work gorgeous? I've got one of her fabulous hangings, too - so rich, and so vintage!
Thanks for your lovely comment - glad you enjoyed the Shoshi-as-a-sprog photos! I enjoy knitting once I am in the mood (I put it down for several months - too hot to do in the summer!) and as long as I concentrate, I can manage the patterned part OK - trouble is I'm pretty foggy in the brain dept. at the moment and made a whole lot of stupid mistakes, so it's taken me longer to get going on the back. I'm onto the plain part now so that's easier. As for my art journal, so glad you like it! The plane is a Spitfire. Keep your eyes out for the finished page, as I'll be uploading a post about it, with step-by-step photos. I did some more work on it last night after posting for WOYWW but I've got to design and cut some poppies with the Cougar cutting machine and today I don't feel up to it!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28
Guess what... it HAS to get better from now!! Lovely doggie picture and your staircase was amazing. Happy WOYWW, hugs Buttons #96
ReplyDeleteAt least those shoes were pooped ON and not IN... you know, silver lining and all. I've had days like that too, so definitely I can relate. Never, ever ask, "What's next?" because the world will show you. Your puppy looks so sweet, just waiting to be scritched.
ReplyDeleteWell Vonny, you did have a day of it, didn't you?!
ReplyDeleteThat is a lovely piece you received from Judy!
#129ish this week
Hopefully those shoes are washable???!!!**** Poor girl!
ReplyDeleteHi Von,
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I did laugh at the giant snake hose! Lucky you to have a pool to lounge in! I've been taking Poppy, my little conure, out of her cage and every single time she manages to poop on my shirt! Laundry time again.......
Your dog portrait is looking amazing, especially those beautiful eyes.
Thanks for visiting me already. Happy WOYWW
Hugs, Kay #5