Boy have I had fun this week.
I painted my birds eyes, beaks
and feet.
I couldn't see the birds feet in the photo
so I used the next best thing,
a live model
and here he is.
My Charlie was very obliging and held
his little tootsies up everytime I needed them.
He wasn't too sure about the large birds
behind him.
I'm really pleased with how the
feet and
faces turned out.
Here's the overall this morning
before class.
Thanks for your help with the comments
on red blobs in the background
I took them on board and
didn't go with them.
Next came the glazing in class,
boy that was fun and scary
all at once.
I had to leave my canvas at class
as the glaze was still wet
so these pictures were taken on my
phone camera.
The fact you are about to see these
pictures is a miracle in itself.
I spent ages and lots of swearing,
tongue poking and yelling
but I managed to get the pictures from
my phone to the computer.
Then it took me an hour to find where
the pictures were on the computer
but finally here they are..
This doubles as a picture of my desk,
it's at class but I forgot to take a photo
of the one at home before I actually
cleaned it up, yep, I actually
cleaned up a bit.
I can't show a photo of a tidy desk,
that would ruin my reputation!!
The phone doesn't capture
the colours well, it's
really bright and wonderful.
I still have more glazing to go.
My teacher said I need to do a purple layer
and I want to fix up the big wing,
it looks a bit too blobby.
All in all I'm liking this more
and more.
Well, that's my sorta desk
for this week.
Hop on over to
and see other desks
around the world
this wednesday.
P.S: I hope all in the UK and Europe are okay after that
nasty looking storm this week.