It's a tad hot here at the moment,
well not so much hot but really humid.
You know the kind where your hair is all frizzy
and you drip with sweat, even though it's only 29 deg.
This is the weather we usually get at the end
of summer, not in spring and to make it worse
there are no storms insight, so no relief.
Having said that, we were inundated with ants
this morning. Those pesky little things were all over the floor.
I sprayed the entire place with surface spray
just a few weeks ago but the ants have ignored that
fact. Think I'll leave the can on the floor,
just so they can read it and see that it kills ants.
A fact that seems to have slipped their minds as they
climb into poor Charlie parrots cage and try to
take him away.
Around here, ants in the house means rain is on the way,
I just hope it gets here soon, the grass is dead and the
flowers don't look too happy.
To my desk this week.
I've been playing with my water colours.
I have used a cook book to find interesting things to paint.
In fact, that is the only use I have for cookbooks.
I can't get my head around cooking, you spend hours
creating something and then it's eaten in five minutes,
(or put in the bin, which is where most
of my attempts end up) such a waste of time.
If I can't make it in half an hour
it don't get made. However, painting from a cookbook
is wonderful fun and it lasts longer too.
This isn't finished but it's getting there. |
The picture to the front right is part of my house from the
back garden. We had to paint a building for Sketchbook Skool
and it was too hot to go out so I did our house.
The notebook on the top left contains the
rantings of a madwoman, yes me.
I was watching TV last night and hubby was
channel surfing as usual, you never get to see
and entire program in this house, and he came
across an ocean program that had these
gorgeous jellyfish. I grabbed my book, which always sits on
the coffee table and started to sketch from the tv.
Little cogs were actually moving in my pea brain.
I can see a fabulous painting coming from these
delicate little guys. I'm going to play around with
composition and then see if I can create those
delicate little frills with goop, then make the bodies
translucent, ink it and there's another painting.
My only problem is, delicate is really not me,
rush in and go nuts, that's more me.
Fingers crossed I can be more ladylike
(cough, cough).
A note to finish on,
My wall of inspiration has grown
My wonderful friend Tracey Fletcher King is selling
some of her paintings and cards and I got in quick.
Aren't they gorgeous.
If you want to see what she is selling you can find it here
there may even be a few left.
That's me for WOYWW this week,
why not go on over to
and see what's on the other desks
around the world today.
P.S. The little guinea pig is doing really well,
he had his stitches out yesterday and
is healing nicely.