My desk is covered with paper today.
I've spent a day or so playing with ideas
for canvasses.
Not quite there yet but with my
teachers help they are getting just right.
There is something great on my desk as well
Can you see it??
Right in the front!!!
My new camera arrived, yahoo!!
It has shiny bits and lots of knobs and buttons.
(Note the cool cup!!) |
No, I don't know how to use it yet and
you have to download the book.
Now what ever happened to paper books,
you know the kind you can flip through
while holding the camera and using it.
I managed to get the book on to the computer
but the writing is really small and I can't flip
the computer screen like a book,
just no fun :(
Book problems aside,
I (with a large amount of help from my teacher)
inked my parrot and flower picture that
I glooped last week.
Here it is just done and all squidgy.
This is fresh ink and it will be
different again when I get to class next week.
That's why ink scares me so much,
you never know what you'll finish up with
but I like it so far.
Oh, and you're not going mad if you
can't find the birds head.
It's not there yet.
I'm going to paint it in detail
when the background is complete.
I've started my next canvas
but more on that next week.
Just think jelly,
no, not wobbly on a plate
blobby in the ocean.
Lots and lots of blobby.
Gotta love a lot of blobby.
Now you've seen my craziness
for Wednesday, hop over to
see what's been happening
on other desks around
this big old blobby world.