I'm playing in the big room today
cos it's freezing in the
small one.
You can see all the bits n pieces
I'm playing with
I've prepped a canvas on the long table,
in the front left is a half gooped canvas and the
finished canvas is on the easel.
I love being able to spread out.
I'm over at the desk by the window
gooping a bird in poocack colours.
Yes you read that right, I'm doing
this poor bird in poocack.
You can't see much yet, it's the little bluey blobs
bottom left. Here are the mixed colours of goop
Some of you may say they are bright but
I see mud and dirty colours.
Even my mouth turns down when I put this stuff on.
It's my own fault that I have to make it poocack,
you see I got carried away with the
gesso soup and the flowers are too big,
so I have to make the birdie move back
to stay in perspective.
I will paint the flying bird nice and bright.
I've started adding cockies tootsies. He might be able to land soon. |
A few posts ago
here if you missed it
I mentioned that I was getting
graduated (multifocal) glasses.
I picked them up and oh dear.
Follow my nose they said,
that would have been fine if I could see my nose!
I couldn't see a thing, total blur out.
The only way I knew
I'd missed the doorway and hit the wall
was if it hurt!!
I was really starting to think I was a true blonde but
it turns out the lady didn't fit the glasses to my eyes.
A trip back to the optometrist and a few bends
and melting of plastic and
I can see!!!
I feel drunk if I move my head too quickly
but I'm getting there.
Maybe I should have left them blurred
while I'm doing the poocack bird,
might have been easier on my nerves.
Well that's mine for this week.
Have a look at some other desks
around the world at
this Workdesk Wednesday