Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Lots of little bits for WOYWW

I'm not sure how you would
describe this last week.
I kinda did quite a bit but
at the same time got nowhere fast.

My desk is over at the back today.
The pink blobs are bags of texture paste that
I'm piping and knifing onto a bird canvas.
The dirty water, that I thought I'd cleaned up,
is from Sketchbook Skool and check out that 
fabulous sprayer.  That's for my next inking.
No more pumping a little handle,
this bad boy just sprays on command.
My Sketchbook Skool homework was to get 
three things and draw them using a continuous
line and then water colour it.

The drawing went sort of okay but I did
have a blonde moment after the drawing.
That is a whole other story and if you want to see
My water colouring skills are not great
but at least I tried.
I wish I could say using water colour paper would have saved it but I don't think anything could save this.

I did get another canvas drawn up and
undercoated and I'm really happy with that.
See, who needs water colour when you can play
with big blobby things. 

This is what I'm doing with the pink and green gloop
in the bags.
I've just started putting in the very back leaves
and I'll build up over these with the closer leaves.

I did a little bit of adjusting
 to my seagulls in class.

Sorry about the angle, I just can't get 
the hang of my phone camera.
Plus I'm too short to get over the top of it.
It's pretty much finished now.
I just have to paint in the birds eyes
and then I can finally photograph it upright.

So you see, I sorta did a lot
but really didn't get far with anything.

Well that's my rather boring desk 
for this week.
So why not hop on over to 
and see what is on the other desks
around the world.

Sorry it wasn't very funny today,
I'm still in shock at the cost
of Little Miss's braces.
I have a savings account called
"my new kitchen fund"
and in two weeks time Little Miss
will be walking around with my 
new kitchen in her mouth (sigh).



  1. Your work is so beautiful. I love the colors and textures. #8

  2. Your paintings are exquisite, I love visiting desks to find treasures like yours and not to mention talent
    Bridget #2

  3. Your bloop and goop always looks wonderful and I think you have watercolour under control. I know what you mean about a blonde moment with the continuous line drawing. I got myself into such a tangle then had the loops going in the opposite direction. Yours is brilliant.
    sandra de @21

  4. Been there with the braces... so sorry about the kitchen fund! The seagull painting is absolutely amazing! Diane #25

  5. I LOVE your paintings in progress! That new one is already promising to be a masterpiece and I just LOVE those Gulls already! Hats off for keeping up with sketchbook skool. I'm envious! Your watercolour skills are better than mine, lol! :0)

  6. As always, I love to see the progress of your paintings. That pelly and the gulls looks fab. Even at this angle. #22

  7. Yes, your blobs and gloops are amazing! But when you are learning an unfamiliar skill, you will get results you are not happy with, so don't worry. My watercolor skills are ziltch so you are way ahead of me!
    Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
    Have a good week.

  8. Lol at the last comment ... Yes thise little sacrifices we make for our little ones and I have to agree about playing with big blobby paints .. I just wish I Hadith time to play
    Janet @16

  9. Not boring at all! I'm intrigued by your work. And don't fret over the kitchen fund. It took 35 years before my kitchen fund actually got spent on the kitchen. LOL

  10. sure looks like you're having fun Von. Glad to see you're in SBS with me too, :o)

  11. Sometimes it's good to have several things on the go at the same time that way you don't keep working on the same thing for too long.
    I like to go away and then come back to projects after a rest from it.
    Have a great week crafting, Angela x

  12. Jugs, blobs and seagulls - they all look fab to me. Have a wonderful week, Chris # 7

  13. Oh Von you really make me laugh... the idea of Little Miss going round with your kitchen in her mouth ROFL lol lol!!! brilliant. I LOVE your art work as always, and actually like the watercolour one. But I agree, big blobby things are probably more fun! I love getting stuck into gel medium myself. As for having lots of things on the go at once, I'm afraid I've lost count! Mum always said to me as a child, "Don't start anything else till you've finished this." What did she know about the creative flow? Lol!

    Thanks for cheering me up, and thanks for your lovely visit. I take your advice daily, and where better to hide than in my ARTHaven! It's my favourite room in the house, where I restore my sanity. So glad you like my album. Check out my blog in a day or two once I've had a chance to update it, and you'll see several new pages!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi 44

  14. Hi Vonny....I love visiting your desk..your artwork is awesome and I love the one line watercolour project too. Cheers and enjoy your week RobynO#39

  15. You see, everybody bad mouths the UK...weathers rubbish etc etc but my son had three years worth of braces and extensive treatment, all free. Which is astonishing when I hear of your predicament. We are very lucky in this country, more so than the doomsayers say.
    I like your watercolour a have so many strings to your bow! And I know you say you didn't achieve much much...well, I disagree totally!
    Course I'll do you a book cover.....gimme a couple of weeks as I'm going to be at my dads and I'll see what I can do :-)
    Hugs. LLJ 25 xx

  16. You do such awesome work Vonny! I think the watercolor pitcher is wonderful! Lots of fun things to look through and be amazed by. Aren't we our own worse critics!!! Thanks for stopping by my desk and leaving a comment! Have a great week. Vickie #68

  17. I am always so impressed with your art... love the bird picture and can't wait to see it with their eyes done! Annette #18

  18. Hi Vonny. I am SO late visiting this week. Your blog posts are great! Have just read this one and the previous one - I can't say I blame you for not wanting to re-do the placement of those three objects now!!! I realise that I don't paint or do what you do - but what's wrong with the jug, melon and knife? It looks just fine to me....
    Your paintings are stunning - and are really coming on well. You are SO bold with the work you do. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11

  19. Oh Von I think you're being harsh over your watercolour painting... it looks great.
    I'm stretching myself too with my new art group and working new medium/techniques and it's a little scary.
    More scary is how much braces cost and I've been there twice!
    When you see that beautiful smile a little further down the road you'll be happy you put your new kitchen on hold ;D
    Have a wonderful weekend and apologies for being so late visiting

  20. Oops forgot to say how brilliant your canvas paintings are... the seagulls look magnificent. I don't know how you can leave the eyes for so long... it's the first thing I want to do. Maybe that's where I go wrong? :/


I really love getting comments but due to a high amount of spam I had to take the anonymous user off of the comments. Sorry to those who can't leave a comment.
Thanks, Von.